Believe in yourself. Starting when we are young, we’re told we need to have confidence in ourselves, no matter what the situation. It’s a saying that’s easy to repeat when the task is something we control. Chemo is not something we control. Neither is cancer. But still, we need to believe in ourselves.
We may not control the medicine, the disease, nor the side effects, but we do control our attitude and in any situation, including this one, attitude is half the battle.
Believe that you can fight. Believe that you can win. Have the confidence in yourself that you can always get back up no matter what knocks you down. You may not get up quickly, or steadily, but you can get up.
This portion of our lives is temporary. We will survive. Things will get better. Believing in yourself is where it all starts.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe said: Magic is believing in yourself. If you can make that happen you can make anything happen.
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